You'll have noticed by now that you can buy our entire own brand range of products on this website and we'll ship to any corner of the UK for you, subject to where Royal Mail will deliver. If you are after a specific product line, we recommend contacting the stockist first to ensure they have it in stock.
But, we also have stockists that carry our own range of products and we are always looking for more too! If you own a pub, shop, food truck, farm shop etc and would like to sell our products, please get in contact. In return, we can offer a low initial Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) of sub £185, a generous profit margin of up to 60%, free publicity on our socials advertising you as a stockist, and full product support, including Point of Sale branded boxes etc.

If you own or run a Pub, Shop or other Retail outlet and would like to stock our products, please complete the application form and we’ll quickly come back to you. We’ll never ‘swamp’ an area with stockists, and will more often than not offer area exclusivity all the time you regularly buy from us and keep our products stocked on your shelves. We are especially keen to invite applications for stockists in the Bude and/or Widemouth areas of North Cornwall.
Outside of Cornwall? We’d also welcome applications from any retailer outside of Kernow. Unfortunately, we can only supply to the U.K (but not yet N.I).